June 12, 2024
Education News Canada

Mohawk College selected as one of Canada's Greenest Employers for 11th consecutive year

April 23, 2024

Mohawk College has been selected as one of Canada's Greenest Employers for the 11th consecutive year.

Mohawk is one of five Ontario colleges receiving this recognition, joining Centennial, Durham College, Fleming College and Humber College.

"We are proud of the leadership role Mohawk College plays in Ontario's climate action efforts and we are grateful to be recognized as one of Canada's Greenest Employers," said Mohawk President and CEO Ron J. McKerlie. "The college recently intensified its commitment to this imperative cause by introducing a Climate Action Plan aimed at reaching net-zero emissions in direct campus operations by 2035. We announced the creation of a new School of Climate Action and established The Gina Fraser Chair in Skilled Trades for the Green Economy.

"A great deal of work needs to be done in response to the climate change crisis and Mohawk College is dedicated to providing regional solutions and educating a generation of people who can contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future."

Mohawk College has a stated commitment to making a measurable impact on climate change. 
(Learn more about Mohawk College's Climate Action Plan.)

Canada's Greenest Employers have developed exceptional sustainability initiatives - and are attracting people to their organizations because of their environmental leadership. Prior to 2009, this award was called "Canada's Most Earth-Friendly Employers". This year's winners were announced on April 16, 2024 in a special magazine distributed online in The Globe and Mail. Read the press release issued the same day for more background in this year's competition.

Here are some of the reasons why Mohawk was selected as one of Canada's Greenest Employers (2024):

  • Mohawk College hosts a variety of awareness initiatives, including sustainability webinars and a sustainability leadership program for students with online courses covering local food, waste, green jobs and sustainability development goals
  • Mohawk College has introduced numerous environmental programs across the campus, including community gardens, honeybee apiaries, pollinator gardens, water bottle filling stations (in support of a disposable water bottle ban)
  • Mohawk College maintains a 51-plot community garden with over 300 members and a fruit orchard -- and as part of the harvest, the college manages a campus farm stand that features produce from July to November, including "Bounty Bags" and "Eat Better Bags" along with annual food donations to local community organizations

Now in its 17th year, Canada's Greenest Employers is an editorial competition organized by the Canada's Top 100 Employers project. This special designation recognizes the employers that lead the nation in creating a culture of environmental awareness in their organizations.

For more information

Mohawk College
135 Fennell Avenue West
Hamilton Ontario
Canada L9C 0E5

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